Yeah, Yeah…i know its a chain. But there are only two locations here in the LA County area. One in Cerritos and the other one in Carson.
This place is supposed to be the In-N-Out of the east coast. Personally i think that In-N-Out is the best fast food burger around. Their #1 combo (double double, fries and drink) is what i usually order and damn do they make some delicious grub. Only using fresh ingredients and making their fries from scratch is another one of those things about them that make me smile… Well, back to me writing about Five Guys.
Five Guys uses fresh ingredients too, their menu has a bit more stuff than In-N-Out. You can get Bacon in your burgers and they also serve hot dogs (didn’t get to try those). They also have complimentary roasted peanuts (Yay for free peanuts). I had the Bacon Cheese Burger, large fries and a coke. The food is decent, better than your average fast food joint. Portions are big but you will probably end up spending around 10 bucks for your meal.
Overall, a new choice for a decent cooked to order, fresh ingredients burger, fast food joint. I will go back and try it again. Anyways. here are the pics…

FPFTW! (Free Peanuts For The Win!)

The location I visited:
Five Guys Burgers and Fries
11461 South Street
Cerritos, CA 90703