With just hours left before Christmas, this time of the year always takes me back to one of my favorite holiday movies. A Christmas Story(1983), a story about this kid Ralphie and his quest to receive a Red Ryder air rifle for Christmas. Check out the original trailer above.
By the way Santa, all I want for Christmas is a brand new Canon 16-35mm 2.8L lens. I’ll be waiting tonight.
Last October I had the honor of being one of my long time bud’s groomsman. We had some adventures in Vegas for his bachelor party but I’ll save some of those stories for a later date. One of the duties that we as the bridal party had to come up with is a creative way to make an entrance to the reception. With the popularity of that infamous Chris Brown’s “Forever” wedding youtube video, it seems like dancing entrances is all the rage at receptions and this one was no exception.
We decided on an Austin Power’s theme, yes I know it’s been done but hey not like we did it. Check out the best man’s entrance. It’s the best.
So a brief intro as to who i am. Vu kindly ask me to guest blog on his site and i said “of course!!” without any hesitation. I am a dj, designer, best friend, vintage motorcycle collector, and last but not least a man of fine haberdashery. So as far as my donation to this blog i will contribute my likes for music, fashion, grooming and everything in between. But i hope you enjoy my wee bits of knowledge and taste for music.
Phoenix has been a band that i always dug. I first found out about them back in 2000 with their UNITED album. It was the soundtrack to most of my travels as a dj for so many years. Constantly on my ipod during flights, taxi rides, and even back home driving in my car. Their new Wolfgang album was my summer cd. Truly talented musicians.
November 22, 2009 – FONTUCKY, CA. – Some clips from the 18th Annual Southridge mountain bike downhill challenge featuring Al, Linton & Luis from the Downhill Bastards crew. Absent this Sunday was DHB member Brian the “Hebrew Hammer”.
On a sidenote, this is my first video off my Canon 5d Mk2 and also first video edit ever off iMovie, learning on the fly. I quite enjoy it but lots to learn, especially the software & camera work.