Sittin’ at The Park on a Sunday afternoon…

actually it was a friday night. (but it made for a good title from an old skool LSOB song. HA!)
Enjoyed a great meal here and you can’t beat the price of $20 for their Friday Supper Club. A meal that includes an appetizer, an entree and a small dessert. A small place where you won’t need a reservation and where their menu will surprise with a variation of flavors using seasonal ingredients.
I will definitely come back for a price like this, it cant be beat with the caliber of food that they serve.

Drive slow on Sunset because you might just miss it. There is no parking lot so you will have to find street parking and watch out for the weekends, it also gets crowded.

Wednesdays is also $5 burger night, which makes it the perfect price for a poor broke-ass like me.

the water.

the butter poached lobster.

the eggplant involtini

the szechuan calamari

the pan seared duck breast

the Park burger

The Park
1400 Sunset Blvd
Echo Park, CA

Angel’s Point / Elysian Park – Monsieur Egg Brunch

A great day to be out in the sun, driving up the windy road that leads to Angels point in Elysian park i am reminded why I love L.A.

The wife and I got to eat some delicious breakfast fare here with a bunch of other people who were able to find the place and make it to the brunch. I would have loved to mingle and talk with everyone, but without some liquid courage my anti-social personality ruled the day.

I was also a considerate anti social douchebag since M.Egg was offering seconds and i turned it down even though i wanted to eat more. Other people were still waiting for their meal, i should have waited and got my seconds. Damn!

anyway some crappy pics by me:

A hazy sunday, Downtown L.A. could have looked a little better on a clear day. I would have wanted a better picture than this.

Thanks for the great food, great time and great location Monsieur Egg – Jaime Turrey

Bacon, perfect runny scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, homemade croissants and scones. (shade and shadows in pics…my bad)
Crabby crab cakes! Que?

Izakaya Bincho

This non-descript restaurant is one of the better Izakaya places i have been to. A great selection of japanese style “tapas” can be found here. Small plates of braised pork belly, japanese chicken wings, tofu, and other classic izakaya dishes was thoroughly enjoyed by my group of friends. i wish this was closer to me, so i could kick back once a week and have a cold pitcher of beer with mouth watering food to match. The place is run by a 30-something japanese couple, new transplants in to the LA area. The wife handles the service and the husband (the chef) is the master behind the counter.

Check the pics. (not great since i only had my chitty camera)










more food and pics were had, these were the pics that were barely salvageable.
plus i started getting drunk and my hands were really shaky.

Izakaya Bincho
112 N. International Boardwalk (across from the arcade)
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
310-376-3889 (better pics on their site)